Barbarian Magic

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

We survive the ambush, even though, or because, the party was split. Searching the bodies, one of the leaders looks like he has some pretty shiny equipment, certainly better than what the scouts were wearing. A chain shirt, a nice-looking weapon, a cloak that's apparently worth mentioning, all which prompts the call of 'detect magic!' […]

It's Just a Name

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

Out of the city, making our way to our destination along a road that hopefully isn't subject to many patrols. Just in case, our contact is taking us on a route that is rarely trod. 'I'm sure there's a good reason why we're planning to go through the Fire Forest of whatever it was.' 'The […]

Well Spoken, if not Well Read

Thursday, August 21st, 2014

Aggar's mysterious voice is talking again, except this time we can all hear it. It wants the case that we've recovered, which we are fine with, but only after we've got what's inside the case, which the voice is fine with. The problem is that we can't open the case. My terrible diplomacy works wonders, […]

Running Away is Still the Better Option

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

Inside the elven enclave, we've surprised the elf wizard leading us to the case we're after by ambushing and killing her. The surprise didn't last long. Now we've found the building where the case is supposed to be, and been let in all by following the voices in Aggar's head. No, it's not ideal. Also […]

You Can't See Them

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

We track the case we are after and find that it has been taken by elves, who want the information inside it for themselves. With a bit of diplomacy and compromise, we strike a deal to at least be able to see what is inside the case before they whisk it away to their lands. […]

I'll Touch Myself

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Our connection goes somewhat awry. For a start, our contact identifies me, a gnome, to be his contact, a human. He gets shifty, we remain clueless. Of course, us being the greatest detectives in the realm, we spook him. The gnome flees, hitting the first-floor balcony and starting to scrabble up the side of the […]

Either Way, I'm Insulted

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Heading in to the depository to meet a contact and collect a case, we are told that inside there is a 'very ugly gnome indeed'. 'That's okay', says Thrak, our dwarf barbarian, 'we're used to dealing with ugly gnomes.' Thrak looks my way, me being a gnome. '...not mentioning any names.' 'What is my name?' […]

Karma at Work

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

As the fight continues, our new ally, the contact for the resistance, starts to cast a spell. No one in our party recognises the spell, perhaps because our fearless gnome illusionist has ducked out of the side door and is pretending to be a barrel for survival purposes. It's working so far, but it means […]

Classic High-Int/Low-Wis

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

An army is marching on our town that happens to be situated in a strategically good pass. Word reaches the town that the army has sent a vanguard of inquisitors, whose intent is to root out any and all spellcasters hostile to the new empire. 'If I were a spellcaster, I'd be worried about this', […]