Evading our Pursuers

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Our audience with the king didn't go quite according to plan. Our general lack of charisma, and the presence of Thrak, leads us to have a warrant issued for our arrest. That doesn't sound like a good situation, particularly as 'arrest' is something of a euphemism at this moment, so we flee the city. Heading […]

Gather Information: Local, Very

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

There are rumours that Ragesian diplomats are in Bresk influencing the king in his decision to sign the non-aggression pact with Ragesia. Perhaps it is in our interest to learn what we can about them. Salvador asks around the city for information on the Ragesians. He learns that some people believe there may possibly be […]

Sometimes a Decision Makes Itself

Thursday, August 6th, 2015

We make it to Bresk, where our diplomat prepares for his audience with the king, hoping to change his mind about making a non-aggression pact with the enemy. To help our diplomat, we go to court to speak with the proxies of the lords and ladies of the land, those who are in a position […]

As Reward Tends to Zero, Goodness Tends to Zero

Thursday, August 6th, 2015

The soldiers have been prevented from slaughtering some travellers, with only one soldier being dropped in the brou-ha-ha. We may have to explain that to the authorities at some point, but, then, these soldiers are the authorities. We leave the implications of our situation to one side for the moment, as we need to decide […]

Thrak's Tackle

Thursday, July 30th, 2015

We are travelling to Bresk, a city in a different country, to negotiate something. I'm sure we'll remember the mission when we get there. The main problem at the moment is that the seasons are shifting, and what was relatively balmy weather is turning wintry. I suppose there's no longer a fire forest keeping everything […]

Dropping Like Flies

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

We are ambushed on our way out of the underground dungeon by the druid we suspected to find inside the dungeon. Damn him and his alarms that we tripped. Amidst the storms, whilst we try to swim in the shallow sea, the druid attacks, calling to his aid a pair of gargoyles and a squid. […]

Tomb Raider

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

More by luck than judgment, we find the tomb of an almost-legendary pyromancer, thought to have been buried under the city but whose location has been long forgotten. Quite how we found it is more the mystery now. The entrance to the tomb has runes marked on the wall, a warning of what will befall […]

Skeletons and Blinking

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Skeletons! Thousands of them! Wait till you see the whites of their eye sockets, lads. Moving through the flooded building where we were guided to find the centre of the storm ravaging the city, we find a room of cells that makes us realise the building used to be a gaol. But what we thought […]

Percussive Sting

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

'I fear I have some grave news.' <drum roll> 'Sal, you don't give a drum roll for grave news.' 'I know, but I didn't have a way to make a dun-dun-DUNNNN sound.'

He Really Doesn't Like His Animal Companions

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

'I was thinking about taking the 'cremate familiar' feat.'
