The Fighting Acrobats

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Tumblers, fire-breathers, all the thrills of an acrobatic troupe about to kick your arse! This is high-theatre, and we have font-row seats. We quickly move back a few rows to avoid the initial rush and allow us time to compose ourselves a bit better. Dexter and George, our two able fighters, set themselves at the […]

And His Two Veg

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

Our rummage around the dressing rooms back-stage produce some sweet meats next to a bottle of what we know to be the poison when ingested in sufficient quantites. It's quite damning evidence, damning and obvious enough to be framing someone for the crime, but it's the best clue we have so far and so we […]

Here be Hydras

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

We have a plan to find the base of the captured pirates! It's not a very good plan, partly because an NPC didn't think of it, and mostly because it was my idea. I decided to ask the pirate with the foppish hat where the base was, and do so forcefully. At first, he didn't […]