You Never Truly Own a Cat

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

The spider swarm hits the elf, who fails his third saving throw of the session. He suffers 2 strength damage, to go with his constitution damage from the vipers, which his cat shrugged off, and wisdom damage from earlier in the Asmodean Knot. 'I can't use my bow now because I can't pull it properly', […]

No Fear of Fire

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

The tiefling is defeated. But only after his short sword strikes Ganelon and the paladin's eminently failable fortitude saving throw actually fails, thanks to a roll of a natural 1, causing the rest of the party to cheer with sympathy; and the elf's cat companion gets a full-round attack on the tiefling, striking with claws, […]

It Takes One to Know One

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

The water slide is behind us, most of the party reaching the bottom unscathed. Only the reckless take a bit of bruising, coming to rather an abrupt stop once the slippery stone turns back to the rather more abrasive dry stone floor. We move onwards, and see what looks to be some chains hanging from […]

I Never Thought You'd be a Zombie Because Mummy Rot is so Passé

Friday, December 9th, 2011

After a prank played many years ago, it has been traditional for an absent player to return to the next session to find that his character has been treated badly by fate, changed in some horrid and occasionally irreversible way. Partly because of the initial prank, and partly because one of my own characters became […]

It Should Be Raining Elves

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

This isn't good. Our paladin had trouble walking down a straight corridor and being presented with what was essentially a crooked crossroads. Now we've passed on from that passageway to open a door in to an Escheresque room, containing a stairway that heads forever upwards, regardless of whether we turn left or right to start […]

Stealing Glory and Snicking Quills

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

Howlers! They howl, hurting anyone with ears, and they have sharp quills that damage anyone engaged in melee combat. That's pretty much all of us. We have little option but to engage them in melee combat, though, and have to slog it out one-on-one. Afutavere has some advantage in being able to bow the first […]

Okay, Who Brought the Cat?

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Theatrics over, we are preparing to be the guests of honour at the mayor's party celebrating the survival of the cast of our deadly play. Getting in to the mood, Ganelon asks 'can we bring a date?' 'Do you have a date?', I reply. 'No. But the ranger's bringing his cat.' 'Yes, but is it […]

I Don't Have the Book in Front of Me

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

We're missing players, so Pathfinder is cancelled this evening. Still, at least it means we don't need to use the entirely fabricated character sheet that was given to me in order to run Afutavere in the player's absence, because he left the real one at home. 'It's probably got some bits correct', he tells me, […]

We're All Bumbling Comic-relief Characters

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

Devils vanquished, we are on the final trial that could kill us. We are to face a legion of undead, the curtain behind the stage raised to reveal two skeletal trolls. 'That's not how I pictured a legion', I say, and Ganelon agrees. Two more skeletal trolls appear, all of them large and mighty threatening, […]

Acting Competently Works on the Stage

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

The next trial in the play involves birthing devils from eggs, which sounds about as pleasant as it actually is. Each of us eats an egg from which a devil spews forth, prompting a fortitude save from everyone. 'Is a 9 a fail?' asks Brennan optimistically, but knowing the answer. 'Yes.' 'Is a 6?', I […]