Watch Where You Step

Naturally cautious in a dungeon rumoured to be full of undead creatures and other nasty monsters, when our party came across a room with an opened sarcophagus containing a skeletal figure with a sword lain across it and another mouldy body lying on the floor our first instincts weren't to rush in and examine things closely. Being brave adventurers we also did not turn away and leave the room untouched. We entered slowly and carefully looked at the skeletal figure for signs of animation and at the sarcophagus for any signs of writing or symbols indicating who this might be. As for the figure on the floor, we looked from a distance but were not interested enough to turn it over or search its pockets.

The room seemed, like its occupants, to be lifeless, and so we decided to continue our dungeon delving elsewhere, heading back to the main corridor. On the way out my foot clumsily caught the mouldy body on the floor, nudging it slightly. When this happened I thought I saw a sign of movement, but not from the body itself. I then felt quite sickly, as if my health had been drained from me. As a party, we exitted the room quickly and I asked the Cleric to examine my foot to see if she could determine if there was something amiss.

The bad news was that she did indeed find something wrong, although it was good news that she found it and found it quickly. It seems that the mouldy body in the room had been overrun with Rot Grubs and when my foot accidentally brushed against it one of them took the opportunity to jump across and burrow in to my leg. This is where our Mage's knowledge of dungeoneering came in very handy, as he knew that we had to act quickly and that fire applied to the grub would kill it off.

We are all pretty sure that the Paladin knew this as well, as he was awfully quick to apply a lit torch to my leg, almost smiling to himself as I felt the searing pain on my skin. It's lucky that he was successful in killing the Rot Grub: lucky for me as it meant I was still alive; lucky for him as he could then explain to his god why he apparently tortured me. I'm still not sure that Paladins are supposed to act like this.

2 Responses to “Watch Where You Step”

  1. Percival Says:

    Translation from Elvish follows:

    >On the way out my foot clumsily caught the mouldy body on the floor...
    You gave the body a deliberate kick

    >I asked the Cleric to examine my foot...
    The rest of us told you to get your foot examined

    >...he was awfully quick to apply a lit torch to my leg...
    Speed is of the essence when dealing with rock grubs (sorry, ROT grubs)

    >I'm still not sure that Paladins are supposed to act like this.
    Au contraire, it's on page 248 of the Paladin's Code, under the
    section dealing with punishment for commiting random chaotic acts
    that could endanger the rest of the party :-)

  2. The Rot Grub Says:

    Yeah..let that be a lesson Elf.....don't mess with da Grubs, you aint big enuff or tuff enuff....