Archive for the 'World of Warcraft' Category

Knifey, the Mid-level Rogue

Sunday, December 30th, 2007

Knifey has been running around the familiar lands of Westfall, Redridge Mountains, and Duskwood, trying his best to gain as much experience as needed to catch up with my friends. With some excellent help from Azrail on how to stab effectively I was able to knife my way through level after level. A run through […]

Knifey the Low-level Rogue

Monday, December 17th, 2007

A new face appeared in the World of Warcraft, in the realm of Draenor. Knifey, the gnome rogue, joins his friends in the quest to be a hero. Picking up a kitchen knife I set off to start stabbing monsters in a brave tale of nominative determinism. After stabbing some wolves and getting the meat […]

Blackrock Weekend

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

Before patch 2.3, I, as my warrior Tiger, was lingering around wondering when I'd finally be able to rescue Marshall Windsor from his prison in Blackrock Depths when I realised that, being level 70 and all, I would be able to manage it with just a little bit of help. I'd tried it solo before, […]

The Great Egg Hunt

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

The netherwing drake mounts became available some time back in the Outlands, and are large, cool-looking dragons that you can fly around on. To get one of them you need to prove your dedication to freeing their race from the Dragonmaw Orcs, and you can achieve this through performing various tasks that promote the eventual […]

On Aggro Stealing

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

The Consortium was asking for volunteers to kill some Blood Elves, so my warrior, Tiger, was rounded up with some characters from a friendly guild and we headed off to the Botanica. When we got there, one character piped up, 'Tiger, you've got your hands full tonight, as you have three aggro stealers with you!' […]

Gorefiend's Armour: Helping to Defeat Vhel'kur

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Running around with a mage friend in Shadowmoon Valley, trying to avoid the nasty bidepal dragonlike monsters in the Temple of Ata'Mal, I get a call asking for help to kill a big undead dragon flying around the Netherwing Ledge in an effort to retrive Gorefiend's armour. I mention that I am already in a […]

Best Miss-tell Ever

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Orc or Death?

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

The Netherwing drakes are being abused by the Dragonmaw orcs. As a brave adventurer, you are tasked with infiltrating the Dragonmaw orcs and subverting their cause from the inside. Superficially, it looks like you are assisting the orcs, but you are continually working to disrupt operations and work against them. To help with this task, […]

How to Succeed at Dice Rolling

Monday, October 8th, 2007

A band of heroic adventurers, including my warlock self, had banded together to defeat the evil forces with the Tempest Keep structure known as the Mechanar. We were merrily defeating wave after wave of unsuspecting evil, when one of the baddies dropped a pattern that detailed how a tailor could make some Arcanoweave Boots. This […]

When is a Ninja not a Ninja?

Monday, October 1st, 2007

I finally managed to get through the Shadow Labyrinth to get the first fragment of the Karazhan key. The first two attempts had to be aborted owing to a lack of time, but the group I made it with pretty much raced through the instance. The tank was pretty good, but the DPS and healing […]