Roll Again
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010A wayward roll of a damage die sees a D8 skitter off the table and on to a player's lap. 'That one's cocked.'
A wayward roll of a damage die sees a D8 skitter off the table and on to a player's lap. 'That one's cocked.'
When the GM announces that 'You walk across the bridge just like you'd walk across a bridge', perhaps not all is as it appears.
'I must get an item to stop me getting knocked prone', says Adran from the ground, 'because it is a pain in the arse.' Of course, last time the most annoying condition was being 'dazed', but even that didn't make him crave a magical cure. And he only gets knocked prone once.
''Dazed' is the most annoying status effect in the game', spits Adran, as he stumbles after the priestess, bearing the brunt of her psychic attacks. But for 'dazed', read 'whatever status effect is current affecting Adran' for a more accurate critique.
A funny change happens to the way we play Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition (4e). Actually, the change is not funny, but rather that no one seems to notice. At least, no one mentions the change explicitly. When we first start playing, we keep track of the warrior's mark, warlock's curse, bloodied characters and all […]
'As you get closer to the watery bit, you see there's water.'
'Why did I move?' asks Gruknal, returning to the fray after missing a round of combat when leaving early last week. 'I don't get pushed, I'm a dwarf.' It's true, a dwarf has racial features which Gruknal has boosted with feats that mean he is rarely subject to forced movement. After a little head-scratching as […]
I hear a voice in my head: 'Please help me, I'm captive in the tower, the goblins are about to kill me. But I'm not fooled, this is clearly a delusion created by a malicious entity. My own inner voices would never forget to close the quotation marks.
'These don't look like the goblins you've already fought.' 'Is that because the ones we've already fought are dead and these are alive?'
'You come in to the market square, where you see buildings reduced to rubble, dead bodies are lying around in the street, and in the middle of it all is a huge black dragon.' 'Wait a minute, we notice the dragon third?' 'Such are our powers of perception.' Let's hope they are better in the […]