Archive for the 'Call of Cthulhu' Category

Mine's not Working

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

On finding a mysterious tome in surprisingly deep basement, complete with blood-stained altar, I muse upon the hilarity that a pop-up book of Cthulhu could bring. Flick through the standard pages of normal prose and, bam, Cthulhu's tentacled face springs out at you. Naturally, I'm not the first to think of this, as Bert says […]

It May Even be Antediluvian

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

'On the far side of the room is a door, that's slightly ajar.' 'My god, it's a non-Euclidean door!'

Getting in and Going Mad

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

It's our first full group in months, and so we're back to the main adventure. Does anyone remember where we were? Thinking about how to infiltrate a lodge in 1920's Boston, it seems. 'The very last thing we said, I think, was 'let's work out a plan'.' Okay, good. So you've had three months to […]

Still Somewhat Sane

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Nothing suspicious is happening. No siree. It's just another day in 1920s Massachusetts, and five people are going about their business. Professor Cole Whitman is a bit odd, though, always with his studying and long conversations with private dick Richard Castle, otherwise known as Dirk Codpiece when he's not in earshot. But a quirky old […]

Basement of Flying Daggers

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

An ornate dagger is spotted in the basement, amongst a pile of junk. Being interested in the occult, the rabbi moves closer and bends down to pick it up. To everyone's amazement, and some disbelief, the dagger appears to fly up from the floor of its own accord to attack the rabbi! He tries to […]