Archive for March 9th, 2017

Who Designed This Dungeon?

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

After a brief battle in the kitchens of the underground dwarf city, defeating a goblin Steven Segal in the process, our accompanying scout explains what's around us and where to go. 'Over there is the cold store. Ahead of you is the general store. And that is...' 'The warm store.' 'No, the well room.' 'That […]

It All Seems a Bit Unfair

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

We need to sneak our way through the underground city, rather than face countless guards and bring down the wrath of an army on us. Sounds reasonable. As we hear a patrol ahead of us in a corridor, we duck behind the nearest door, hoping that the room beyond will be less dangerous. We find […]