Archive for May 27th, 2014

I Rarely Think Ill of my Companions

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

It seems that we need to visit The Hill, supposedly where a red dragon lives, in order to get the enchantment on Toogood and Farrel lifted. There's just the problem of gaining access, what with the path up the hill being fortified and protected by a hundred armed men. 'You learn from local enquiries that […]

Sleeping in Soup

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

Toogood and Farrel don't seem to be particularly injured, but being stabbed by a dagger whose blade dissolves can't be a good sign. Thankfully, we recovered an intact dagger from one of the slain attackers, which we take back to Marva, who is definitely not a dragon. Consulting her tomes of wisdom, Marva finds some […]