Archive for September 27th, 2012

The Dead, the Blind, and the Useless

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

The vampires are dead. than they already were. Knocked down, staked through the heart, and exposed to sunlight. They're not coming back. Now we explore through the mighty doors knocked off their hinges, down a corridor where a tunnel has been started to one side. We see why soon enough, when getting past the […]

Lacking in Aim

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

Two vampires down, and the third coffin makes us suspect there's another one nearby. First, we take stock of what we've gathered recently, Ganelon in charge of the pool of loot. 'Did anyone take the heavy repeating crossbow?' 'Yes, I did', comes a disembodied force, the GM pointing out that 'I'm sick of you lot […]